Dress- LOVE via eBay
Shoes- New Look
Necklace- Primark
Jacket- Zara |
This is an outfit I wore last night to a party. My friends and I organised a surprise birthday party for one of our other friends and we had a really good night. We hired a hall and a DJ and basically just went all out. It feels like forever since I had a Saturday night out so I ordered this dress from eBay and had fun dressing up a bit for once. However despite having a good night the next morning was not fun. We had a bottle ridden sticky hall to clean...with headaches. So half way through cleaning the hall we treated ourselves to a full English breakfast at the little cafe next door!
I would just quickly like to mention something that I discovered and which annoyed me. A fashion blogger has been copying and pasting this comment on to numerous blogs to get more followers:
"I recently stumbled across your blog and I LOVE it! I love the layout to the
content and everything in between! Your style is just impeccable and your blog
is simply the epitome of perfection! I'm most certainly your newest, most avid
follower, and it'd mean the world to me if you followed me back :) Have a lovely
day, I look forward to reading your future posts!"
I think it defeats the purpose of blogging and it shows that she clearly shows no interest in what people are taking the time to write or is even taking an interest in the photos people are posting! Sorry rant over :P